The Punjab Education and English Language Initiative (PEELI) was jointly run by British Council and the Punjab government celebrated its one year anniversary at Lahore. A panel discussion was held in which the panellists highlighted key issues related to quality of education. Punjab minister for Education Rana Mashhood Ahmad Khan and CEO British Council Sir Martin Davidson participated in the panel discussion and shared their views.
The event was attended by the eminent personalities from the education sector, including Barbara Payne from DFID and Ehsan Bhutta from DSD, who made pertinent comments on the implementation of English Medium Instruction in Punjab. On this occasion, Rana Mashood Ahmad Khan outlined the commitment of his government to education and explained numerous initiatives being taken to improve the education system and expressed his hope that PEELI would contribute to the overall strategy of improving education in the province. Sir Martin Davidson said, "I look forward to PEELI doing excellent work and hope for the better, and extend my thanks to the government of Punjab for taking this initiative to collaborate with the British Council to improve educational outcomes, something of crucial importance for the Punjab, and Pakistan". Since its launch, PEELI has reached approximately 94,000 teachers through different interventions and cascades that went on to teach over three million schoolchildren.