The Punjab government on Monday approved four development schemes of various development sectors with an estimated cost of Rs 7,386.199 million including one scheme of irrigation sector for canalisation flood water of Dek Nullah at cost of Rs 5,621.351 million.
These schemes were approved in the 24th meeting of Provincial Development Working Party of current fiscal year 2014-15 presided over by the Punjab Planning and Development Board Chairman, Muhammad Irfan Elahi, Provincial Secretary P&D Waseem Ajmal Chaudhary, members of the Planning and Development Board, provincial secretaries concerned and other senior representatives of the relevant provincial departments also attended the meeting.
1. Scheme of Information and Culture Sector titled development of park and completion of basements for car parking at Doongi Ground, M M Alam Road, Lahore (Revised) at the cost of Rs 235.834 million,
2. Two schemes of road sector widening/improvement of Pattoki to Kanganpur Road length-54.10km in district Kasur (Revised) at the cost of Rs 983.285 million,
3. Widening/Improvement of road from Harnoli to Wan Bhachran to Musa Khel 0.00km to 49.13km length-49.13km in district Mianwali (Revised) worth Rs 545.729 million and;
4. One Scheme of Irrigation Sector canalisation of Dek Nullah at the cost of Rs 5621.351 million. It may be added that Nullah Dek enters Narowal from Jammu and merged with river Ravi in Sheikhupura district. The un-canalised flood water of Nullah Dek washes away large swaths of crops during the monsoon season.