Handing over of possession orders to allottees of some 60 residential projects was being delayed merely because of Karachi Water & Sewerage Board's (KWSB) reluctance in providing water connections to such projects.
Talking to Business Recorder, Association of Builders and Developers of Pakistan's (ABAD) Chairman Junaid Ashraf Taloo, said that builders were unable to hand over possessions of some 60 projects to the allottees owing to inordinate delay being caused by the KWSB in providing water connections to such projects located in developed areas of the city including Gulistan-e-Jauhar, KDA Scheme-33, Bahadurabad, etc.
He said that builders of such projects despite completing all the formalities required for getting new water connections have been running from pillar to the post for the last six months to acquire water connections for their projects. The ABAD chief regretted that although it was mandatory upon KWSB to issue challans carrying estimated charges for new connection within a month and provide connection along with meter within one-and-a-half-month, inordinate delay on the part of the water utility was not only creating hurdles for the builders, but was also causing mental agonies to the allottees.
Replying to a question, he said that builders were reluctant to hand over the possessions of their projects to the allottees without water connections as the KWSB had issued accumulated bills (bulk) to the builders, starting from the date when new connections were sanctioned, instead of allowing compensation for the delay occurred on its part.
He demanded that members of ABAD should facilitated in getting water connections for their projects and KWSB must follow its own rules and regulations in letter and spirit. The ABAD chief also urged the KWSB to revive the system of allowing instalments while receiving payment under the head of water connections.
He said that the issue of inflated bills should be rectified without any further delay as it would help consumers to clear their outstanding dues. He also extended ABAD's co-operation to the KWSB in getting recovered its outstanding dues. He demanded of KWSB managing director to help solve the problems being faced by members of ABAD.