The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the decision of Lahore High Court (LHC) of granting bail to former Chairman Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) Tauqeer Sadiq, who is allegedly involved in a mega scam of Rs 82 billion. A two-member bench led by Justice Mian Saqib Nisar dismissed the appeal filed by National Accountability Bureau (NAB) against the verdict of the LHC.
Appearing on notice, the NAB counsel contended that Sadiq - one of the main accused in the scam - was granted bail by the LHC but the accused was intentionally not co-operating with the top anti-graft body in the investigation. He urged the bench to cancel the bail granted to his on grounds that he was one of the major accused in the scam. Abid Saqi, the counsel for Sadiq, contended that his client was actively co-operating with the NAB authorities.