Rising trend was witnessed on the wholesale grain market on Saturday in the process of modest activity, dealers said. On the cereals side, Moong Punjab was higher by Rs 250 to Rs 11750 and Moong Afghan went up by Rs 850 to Rs 12250, Khandsari was down by Rs 200 to Rs 6400, other commodities maintained last levels, they said.
On the rice sector, irri-6 Sindh low type gained Rs 10 to Rs 3210 while the best variety was unchanged at Rs 3250, they said. On the seeds side, cottonseeds oilcake with bag new low type gained Rs 10 to Rs 1380 and the good quality was up by Rs 25 to Rs 1425, they said. On the grams side, prices did not move any side due to balanced demand and supply position, they said.