Traders community of Lahore on Tuesday has rejected the call of PTI Chairman Imran Khan to shut Lahore on December 15. Traders said that they will not be part of any move which will destabilise Pakistan as well as which will stop investment in our country and destroy our economy.
While addressing the press conference along with the Chairman Mall Road Traders Association Sohail Mahmood Butt, he said that if any body will try to close shops forcefully then traders will hold protest in front of the Imran Khan's Zaman Park residence. He said that traders have made arrangements for their security. Sohail Butt said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif are working day and night to put the country on the path of prosperity. He said that foreign investment has started coming to Pakistan as a result of recent visits of Nawaz Sharif to China. He claimed that strike call given by Imran Khan will be failed completely.