Synthetic Products Pakistan Limited (SPEL) in collaboration with their lead managers Arif Habib Limited Tuesday arranged an introductory session at ISE for 'TREC Holders' and 'Investors of Exchange' regarding its upcoming IPO. In his inaugural address, Mian Ayyaz Afzal, MD/CEO of ISE said that new IPOs are really encouraging for the economic growth of the country and helps the economic cycle to move in right direction.
The ISE is the only exchange of the country that caters the need of the investors of northern part of country and provide platform for the listing of SMEs as well. Thus listing of new companies at ISE will prove to be very significant for the company and for the investors as well. Last year ISE was the only Exchange in the country to get listed 29 securities, Afzal said.
SMEs are regarded as the engine of economic growth and the success of Asian Tiger countries is an ample proof of this. MD ISE said that ISE was actively working on facilitating SMEs to grow through stock market. ISE recently launched its counter for SMEs whereby could raise money to meet their business needs through listing at ISE. Afzal lauded the efforts of Almas Haider, Chairman, SPEL and Shahid Habib of Arif Habib Limited for economic support to Pakistan. Almas Haider thanked ISE and the TREC Holder of Exchange for the event and apprised about the history and achievements of the company.