Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has ordered suspension of SHO and DSP concerned over negligence in the incident of killing of a polio worker in Faisalabad whereas explanation of SP concerned has also been called. The Chief Minister directed that the accused involved in the murder of Bao Anwar, a district office-bearer of MQM in Sialkot, should be arrested immediately.
He was addressing a high-level meeting here on Wednesday. The meeting reviewed the progress in the incidents of murder of polio worker, firing during protest in Faisalabad and murder of district office-bearer of MQM in Sialkot. The Chief Minister also addressed officers of district administration and police of Faisalabad and Gujranwala divisions through video link.
Shahbaz Sharif said, "He is deeply grieved over the murder of Bao Anwar of MQM in Sialkot and the accused involved in the incident will not escape deterrent punishment". The Chief Minister while issuing orders of suspension of SHO and DSP of police station concerned over negligence in the case of killing of polio worker in Faisalabad said that he should be kept informed about investigation of the case regularly.
The firing over those protecting the children from a deadly disease like polio is highly tragic and the accused involved in the killing of polio worker will not escape punishment. Shahbaz Sharif directed the arrest of the persons involved in firing during protest in Faisalabad should be ensured at every cost. He said that Inspector General Police and Secretary Home should personally visit Faisalabad and review the progress of the case and evolve an effective strategy for eradicating such tragic incidents in future. Provincial Ministers Colonel Shuja Khanzada (Retd), Bilal Yasin, Advisor Khawaja Salman Rafique, MPA Rana Sanaullah, Chief Secretary, Inspector General Police, Secretary Home and officials concerned attended the meeting.