Punjab Assembly in its 11th session here on Thursday passed 'The Punjab Institute of Qur'an and Seerat Studies Bill 2014. Deputy Speaker Sher Muhammad Gurchani chaired the session. Labour Minister Raja Ashfaq Sarwar that under the Child Labour legislation 1991, the Act applies on establishment that includes workshops, factories, farm, hotel & restaurants.
Speaking about children working at homes, he said separate mechanism enforcement was needed. He said due to problems related to residences, labour inspectors face multiple problems that were present. Minister stated that under enactment of 1991 child labour in trade & industrial establishment in contradiction to law was subject to penalty. He said Labour Department during period 2010 to 2014 made 598,565 inspections regarding child labour.
The minister said in these inspections 6,339 infringements of law were reported by field officers and challans thus made. He said Rs 1,20,2000 rupee penalty was made in these infringements. The Labour Minister stated in query about child labour stated that the Government of Pakistan has ratified Convention 138 and Convention 182 regarding child labour. The minister said that under Factories Act Section 50 and Shops Ordinance Section 20 a new law Punjab Prohibition of Employment of Children Act has been drafted.
Labour Minister to a question by a legislator stated that during period 1-1-2012 to 31-12-2012 in response to 3,310 applications by industrial workers, the Department of Social Welfare has given compensation of Rs 1, 25,692,420 The minister answering a question pointed that in category A&B districts (2012-13) 10174 petrol pumps were checked and 1,252 challans made. He stated that 30 petrol pumps were sealed because of infringements.