FHM's annual report receives international recognition

12 Dec, 2014

South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA) in its award ceremony held at Bhubaneshwar, India, recently, awarded SAFA BPA "Certificate of Merit" award to First Habib Modaraba (FHM) from the category of "Financial Services Sector" for "Best Presented Accounts" and "Corporate Governance Disclosures" for the year 2013.
Within this category the FHM was single nominee from Pakistan within the Modaraba sector who has been receiving this award since last five consecutive years. It is a great honour for FHM and for entire Modaraba sector that annual report of FHM has been recognised at SAARC level.
SAFA, which is the apex body of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) and a regional grouping of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). SAFA consists of the institutes of chartered accountants and the institutes of cost & management accountants in the SAARC countries who have associated together with the objective of developing the accountancy profession in the region.-PR

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