LG Electronics unveiled its new range of energy efficient appliances including inverter air conditioner, battery TV and the ever cool refrigerator here on Friday. The products are made specifically for the Pakistani consumer providing excellent energy savings and utmost convenience. The company through the launch of these new energy efficient products will further solidify its position in the market as an innovator, committed to providing premium design and ground-breaking technology.
On this occasion, K H Kim, General Manager LG Electronics Pakistan said, "Pakistan market has become highly energy efficient and is always looking for products that optimize their energy usage. We believe in understanding the needs of our consumers and providing them with products that better fit their lifestyles. Thus, by using an array of cutting-edge technologies, we have developed products that maximise performance, provide energy efficiency and user convenience."
The inverter air conditioner is an innovative product which not only delivers fast and powerful cooling, but has a low voltage start-up and a high voltage protection. Beside this, mosquito away air conditioner is another product with ultrasonic repellant technology.