The Sindh High Court (SHC) on Friday issued notices to the registrar of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC), the health secretary, the home secretary and the commissioner of Karachi among other official respondents to submit their respective comments on a petition calling for serious action against quacks.
A SHC division bench headed by Justice Syed Hassan Azhar Rizvi and Justice Aziz-ur-Rehman had taken up a petition filed by NGO- United Human Rights Commission of Pakistan's secretary general Rana Faizul Hasan, who approached the court against provincial and local authorities for their failure to check the menace of quacks.
The petitioner submitted that it had transpired in a meeting presided over by the Commissioner of Karachi in August 2014 that there were over 600,000 quack doctors across the country, out of which 60,000 were operating in the city of Karachi. He added that he had formed a task force to take action against quacks but no action so far has been taken against them. He said the quack 'doctors' were easily operating in cahoots with the authorities concerned and playing havoc with the lives of the people. The petitioner told the court that the Sindh Assembly had passed the Sindh Healthcare Commission Bill, 2013, banning quackery but the authorities had failed to implement the law.