The rupee was firm against the dollar for the second session due to comfortable supply of the US currency, dealers said on the money market on Saturday. The rupee managed to hold the present levels for the second day in relation to the dollar for buying and selling at Rs 101.20 and Rs 101.40 respectively, they said. According to the currency dealers, the dollar was opened on a depressed note and remained under pressure due to lacking buying support. At close of trading, the dollar was ended further lower at Rs 101.20 and Rs 101.45 as it's buying and selling rate against Rs 101.30 and Rs 101.55 of Friday, respectively, the dealers said.
Open Bid Rs 101.20
Open Offer Rs 101.40
On the contrary, the rupee remained under pressure and was depreciated against the British pound. The pound's buying and selling rates were improved from overnight closing of Rs 158.50 and Rs 158.75 to Rs 158.75 and Rs 159.00, respectively, they added.
The dollar opened at Rs 101.30 (buying) and Rs 101.40 (selling) against same overnight rate. It did not observe further change in the second session and closed at Rs 101.30 (buying) and Rs 101.40 (selling).
Pound Sterling opened at Rs 158 (buying) and Rs 159 (selling) against same overnight value. It did not observe further change in the evening session and closed at Rs 158 (buying) and Rs 159 (selling).