The rupee did not show major fluctuations versus the dollar on the money market on Tuesday, dealers said. The rupee held the overnight level against the dollar for buying at Rs 100.55, while it picked up three-paisa for selling at Rs 100.57, they said.
In the second Asian trade, the dollar touched a fresh two-week high against the yen, but struggled to make further headway in a market subdued by a holiday in Japan. A record-closing high on Wall Street had helped lift the greenback against the yen in New York, and modest follow-through buying in Asia saw the dollar come close to 120.20.
The dollar was trading against the Indian rupee at Rs 63.25, the greenback was at 3.4960 in terms of the Malaysian ringgit and the US currency was 6.2250 versus the Chinese yuan. Interbank buy/sell rates for the taka against the dollar on Tuesday: 77.91-77.92 (previous 77.90-77.90). Call Money Rates: 07.00-09.00 percent (Previous 06.50-09.00 percent).
Open Bid Rs.100.50
Open Offer Rs.100.70
Bid Rate Rs.100.55
Offer Rate Rs.100.57
According to the money changers, the dollar resumed trading at Rs 100.40 (buying) and Rs 100.70 (selling) against Rs 100.30 and Rs 100.70 of Monday. In view of fresh buying activity, the greenback improved its worth by 20-paisa on buying side at Rs 100.50 and 05-paisa on selling side at Rs 100.75 in relation to the local currency.
On the other hand, the British pound further lost its worth against the Pak rupee. Pound Sterling was purchased and sold at Rs 155.80 and Rs 156.50 as against Rs 156.00 and Rs 157.00 on Monday.
The dollar opened at Rs 101.30 (buying) and Rs 101.40 (selling) against same overnight rate. It did not observe further change in the second session and closed at Rs 101.30 (buying) and Rs 101.40 (selling).
Pound Sterling opened at Rs 158 (buying) and Rs 159 (selling) against same overnight value. It did not observe further change in the evening session and closed at Rs 158 (buying) and Rs 159 (selling).