Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Chief Altaf Hussain on Wednesday said that it would be better to impose complete martial law than establishing military courts. He was addressing a hurriedly-called press conference at Lal Qila ground here on Wednesday. He also criticised Maulana Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid, saying that Islam has no space for hypocrites.
Hussain said that the country has seen many martial laws and can bear another. It is to be mentioned here that the National Action Plan Committee has recommended establishment of military courts for speedy justice in terrorism-related cases. He said that it would be better to declare Martial Law than establishing army courts and urged Chief of Army Staff (CoAS) General Raheel Sharif to impose martial law for at least two years.
MQM chief opined that Pakistan's brave Army Chief General Raheel Sharif should take over the country for two years and should not spare any wrongdoer. Altaf Hussain took a jab at rival parties including PPP and PML-N, saying that that those parties who loot public money and stashed it in Swiss banks or make large business empires out of it are called 'progressive' and 'democratic' while MQM is maligned.
He lamented that a country founded by a Shia Muslim was witnessing mass killing of the same community members due to their religious beliefs. An unequal distribution of food between two brothers is bound to trigger a quarrel, he commented, adding that derogatory remarks were passed against Muhajirs. Hussain urged CoAS General Raheel Sharif to take charge of the country for as many as two years.
"If the nation supports Pakistan Army, then Pakistan could be saved from the terror. The CoAS should impose such a martial law that the every single penny of the looted money could be recovered from the corrupt people," he added. He said that despite lifting bodies of their colleagues and relatives MQM continued raising Pakistan Zindabad slogans.