Pulses import grew by 36 percent during July-November 2014-15 despite a 'very good' local crop of the commodity, traders said on Wednesday. "Local pulses crop is comparatively low this year, yet it is very good," Chairman All Karachi Wholesalers Grocers Association, Anis Majeed said. Pakistan's import of pulses mounted to $149.758 million during July-November 2014-15 from $109.491 million in July-November 2013-14, up by $40.267 million, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics say.
In term of volume, pulses import surged by 72,009 metric tons (41.02 percent) to 247,558 metric tons in July-November 2014-15 from 175,549 metric tons in July-November 2013-14. "It is not a big import volume if we compare it with the commodity's pervious year's import. It is a fractional amount and not big one," Anis Majeed said.
The country's local crop, according to him, was around 0.7 million metric tons this year, lower by around 0.3 million metric tons from last year. He said "the import is just an attempt to maintain supplies of pulses to consumers uninterrupted." In December 2014, pulses import shot up almost double by $14.268 million (92 percent) to $29.847 million from $15.579 million in December 2013. Import volume of pulses also surged by 21,989 metric tons (79 percent) to 49,934 metric tons in December 2014 from 27,945 metric tons in December 2013, say official figures.
Pakistan depends on Australia, Burma, Tanzania and Ethiopia for its pulses import to satisfy about 0.6 million metric tons demand for the commodity every year. Traders believe the good local crop always helps the country reduce its import. Anis Majeed termed the market situation for the crop as 'good' to keep up prices of the commodity stable.