Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chief Shaharyar Khan was not happy with condition of country's premier Test centre - National Stadium Karachi (NSK) and wanted quick completion of PCB Academy here. During his visit to under construction academy building on Wednesday, he expressed his displeasure over delay in the completion work and ordered its early completion. Director Game Development Haroon Rasheed, Manager Projects PCB Zahid Hussain and Senior Manager NSK Arshad Khan were also present on the occasion.
Shaharyar Khan was also not happy with PCB Academy Building which also covered some part of PCB Academy Ground. The work at PCB Academy was stopped for several months due to differences between PCB and contractor. Shaharyar said the academy would be very benefiting for training and grooming of budding young cricketers and it was a dire need of the biggest metropolis of the country. PCB Chairman also directed that parking area inside the NSK may be developed into a first class ground for staging domestic cricket matches. He also expressed his disappointment over the condition of the NSK and ordered its quick repair and renovations as ceiling of the stadium and stands were in a poor shape. He asked officials of NSK to develop the hilly area of the stadium.