Paapam terms auto policy unfair

03 Jan, 2015

Pakistan Association of Auto Parts and Accessories Manufacturers (Paapam) while expressing its concern over the Auto policy termed it as unfair. Paapam Chairman M Siddique Misri in a statement on Friday said he has written letter to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif complaining about the unfair process of formulation of the Auto policy, which is being framed without consultation with association that is key stakeholder of the industry. Although, a meeting has been convened in Islamabad on January 07, to finalise the Auto policy, a copy of the draft policy has not been shared with the stakeholders including Paapam, despite repeated requests.
Paapam has also issued a rejoinder on report of Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) on the Auto Industry, which is based on obsolete information, leading to fallacious conclusions and recommendations, that could endanger the vast potential of the automobile sector and the three million citizens that are directly and indirectly linked with this industry, he mentioned. Paapam Senior Vice Chairman Mumshad Ali has said that the association wishes to record its protest that the CCP did not consider it appropriate to consult our association, which is the most authorised representative association of auto parts manufacturers of Pakistan, in preparing the report on country's auto industry.
In order to rectify the situation, Paapam has sent a detailed rejoinder to the CCP report and trust that it will be given due consideration by the CCP before finalisation of its Competition Impact Assessment Report on the auto sector.
The Vice Chairman Paapam Ifitkhar Ahmed said that they have also requested the newly appointed chairperson CCP for an appointment to enable the association to make a presentation on the humble contributions made by the auto parts manufacturers to the economic growth of the country and asked that the report may kindly be revised and shared with all the stakeholders including Paapam, before being placed again on the website, so that the industry is spared from further embarrassment in this regard.

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