War against terrorism: political, religious, military leadership on the same page: chief minister

03 Jan, 2015

Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has said that political, religious and military leadership are on the same page in the war against terrorism and victory will be achieved with the force of unity and mutual consultation while Pakistan will be rid of the menace of terrorism.
"Pakistanis have rendered innumerable sacrifices in the war against terrorism and the blood of the martyrs will not go waste while the country will be made a haven of peace through eradication of terrorism," Shahbaz said while talking to assembly members of various districts, here on Friday. Shahbaz said that Pakistan is facing an extraordinary situation and needs extraordinary measures to cope with the problem of terrorism. He said that national action plan is a consensus formula for purging the country of terrorism and its implementation will eliminate this menace on permanent basis.
The Chief Minister said that terrorism and extremism are a threat to the survival and stability of the country, however, the whole nation is united and determined to give a safe Pakistan to the coming generations. He said that terrorists will be defeated with the force of national unity and solidarity and they will be held accountable for every drop of blood of Pakistanis.
He said that the national action plan evolved with the historic national consensus will result in complete elimination of terrorism from the country. He said that every Pakistani is determined to root out terrorism and the time is not far when Pakistan will be rid of serious issues like terrorism and extremism. Shahbaz said that brutal terrorists have shed the blood of innocent children and the time has come to pay them back in the same coin. He said that the bold and joint decisions of national leadership are a milestone in the war against terrorism.

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