On the order of Sindh High Court (SHC), Hyderabad Circuit Bench, the Deputy Registrar SHC supervised the tender opening process for 103 road construction and repair schemes worth around Rs 400 million in Mirpurkhas. According to details, Deputy Registrar Syed Sabit Ali Shah, who was assigned the duty of commissioner for the tender opening process, on January 5 issued 50 forms to the contractors.
Only 41 of the contractors submitted their bids for the schemes. The report of the process would be submitted to the court during the next date of hearing scheduled on January 12. Earlier, at the January 2 hearing the bench of Justice Salahuddin Panhwar and Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro ordered the SHC's deputy registrar to head the process after a petitioner complained of lack of transparency and nepotism in the process.