IESCO notice

07 Jan, 2015

According to IESCO Spokesman, due to electricity maintenance/development work, power supply of the following feeders would remain suspended as under:- From 08 January 08:00am to 09 January 04:00pm, Baloch and Jandali feeders will be affected.
Jandali and Baloch Feeders will be shifted one by one at 11KV Tarar Khel feeder emanating from 132KV GSS Palandri. On 08, 12 and 14 January, from 09:30am to 02:30pm, LTC Mandra feeders, Laxon Tobaco Co, Mandra; on 08, 10, 12 and 14 January from 10:00am to 03:00pm, Karor, Pinstech feeders; on 08 January 09:00am to 03:00pm, Radio Pak-1, Shamasabad, Ghourghushti, Musa, Hattian, Qazi Abad, Waisa, Chaksawari, Dudyal feeders, on 10 January 09:00am to 03:00pm, Koral, NPF-1, Rive Garden, RCBR-2 feeders, Consumer Grid and surrounding areas.-PR

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