Weeds can reduce wheat production by 44 per cent so the growers must pay special attention on eradication of weeds from their fields, said an advisory issued by the Punjab Agriculture Department (PAD) here on Wednesday.
The PAD spokesman said that wheat had been sown on an area of 16.5 million acres of land in the province during this season and the production target had been set at 19.5 million tons. However, growers have to follow latest techniques and recommendations to achieve this target, the spokesman said and added that scientists say that weeds are grown in over 80 per cent of our fields beyond the economic threshold of danger.
Agricultural scientists recommend that these weeds could be eradicated by using chemicals. The spokesman also advised the growers to buy such poisons from authorized dealers only which should not be old and devoid of any mixing. He said that such poisons should be used according to directions on the label. He also advised the growers to consult local agricultural experts about the available anti-weed chemicals.