South African stocks rose for a second-straight session on Wednesday, led by blue chip heavyweight Naspers after its Chinese money-spinner Tencent launched its first private online bank. E-commerce and media firm Naspers, Africa's biggest company by market value, which owns about a third of Tencent, jumped 2.9 percent to 1,650 rand, after earlier hitting its highest since it listed in 1994.
"Naspers is a quality business and the momentum is behind it at moment," said Ryan Woods, a trader from Independent Securities.
Naspers was also boosted by approval from the competition authority on Monday that the company could dispose its online retailer and buy a stake in another.
Harmony Gold rose 4.54 percent after climbing 11.4 percent in the previous session as investors bet on bullion's safe haven appeal over the falling oil price and volatile global markets.
Larger rival AngloGold Ashanti ended 1.2 percent higher, while Sibanye Gold rose 4.3 percent. The Top-40 index added 0.79 percent to 43,086, while the broader All-Share index gained 0.75 percent to 48,961.