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Ad valorem 20 percent RD imposed on sugar import

10 Jan, 2015

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has imposed ad valorem regulatory duty @ 20 percent on the import of raw and beet sugar, Gur (jaggery), cane sugar, white crystalline cane sugar and white crystalline beet sugar from January 9, 2015. In this regard, the FBR has amended S.R.O.1043(I)/2014 dated the 25th November,2014 through an S.R.O. 08(I)/2015 issued on Friday.
The FBR has imposed 20 percent RD on the import of beet sugar (PCT heading 1701.1200), 1701.1310 Earlier, the Economic Co-ordination Committee of the Cabinet had imposed 20 percent regulatory duty on the import of raw and beet sugar. It directed that the notification to this effect may be issued immediately and also directed the concerned authorities that they should ensure that mills make timely payments to sugarcane farmers.
Following is the text of the notification issued here on Friday: S.R.O. 08(I)/2015.- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 18 of the Customs Act,1969 (IV of 1969), the Federal Government is pleased to direct that the following amendments shall be made in its Notification No S.R.O.1043(I)/2014 dated the 25th November,2014, namely: In the aforesaid Notification, for the comma, figures and words, "1701.1310, 1701.1390 and 1701.9910" the comma, figures and words, "1701.1200, 1701.1310, 1701.1390, 1701.1400, 1701.9910 and 1701.9920", shall be substituted.

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