The Karachi Port handled 128,187 tonnes of cargo comprising 98,073 tonnes of import cargo and 30,114 tonnes of export cargo including 8,720 loaded and empty containers during the last 24 hours ending at 0700 hours on Friday. The total import cargo of 98,073 tonnes comprised of 74,332 tonnes of containerised cargo; 6,501 tonnes of general cargo; 3,475 tonnes of bulk cargo: 1,205 tonnes of fertilizer; 2,270 tonnes of palm kernel and 13,765 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo.
The total export cargo of 30,114 tonnes comprised of 16,562 tonnes of containerised cargo; 506 tonnes of general cargo; 4,811 tonnes of bulk cargo: 1,711 tonnes of cement; 3,100 tonnes of melting scrap and 8,235 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo. As many as 8,720 containers comprising of 5,417 containers import and 3,303 containers export were handled during the last 24 hours on Friday.
The break-up of imported containers shows 1,634 of 20's and 1,794 of 40's loaded while 25 of 20's and 85 of 40's empty containers, whereas that of exported containers shows 398 of 20's and 301 of 40's loaded containers while 919 of 20's and 692 of 40's empty containers were handled during the business hours.
There were two ships namely PAC Aries and King Fortune carrying containers and general cargo respectively sailed out to sea during the reported period. There were four vessels viz. RHL Aqua, Mid Volga-3, King Duncan and Truong Minh Star carrying containers, oil tankers and fertilizer respectively currently at the berths. There were three ships namely Future Prosperity, Ru Yi Song and Chang Hang Jin Hai carrying oil tanker and general cargo respectively sailed out to sea on Friday, while five ships namely Hyundai Bangkok, Northern Guild, Mid Volga-3, King Duncan and Tan Binh-22 carrying containers, oil tankers and seeds respectively expected to sail on Saturday.
There were two vessels viz. Sudair and Vinh An carrying containers and oil tanker respectively due to arrive on Friday, while another vessel viz. Commodore carrying containers is due to arrive on Saturday.