NHF's 4th Wonder Women Awards ceremony next month

11 Mar, 2015

-Under the patronage of National Hero Foundation the 4th Edition of Wonder Women Awards, is going to be organise next month. For the fourth edition of Wonder Women of the Year Awards, almost 30 exceptional Women from Pakistan and 5 from overseas will be chosen and awarded this year. More than 500 nominations of versatile and efficacious ladies have already been received so far.
The governing body of National Hero Foundation and expert panel of award council keenly observed and examined all the suggested profiles and after a thorough consideration 100 top most women's profile have been shortlisted for public voting. CEO & Founder of National Hero Foundation Shaikh Rashid Alam & Chairperson Wonder Women Awards council Captain Tarana Saleem during a press conference held at Karachi press Club said that the final names of award recipients will be confirmed after the final result and overview of public voting on our official website.
Members of National Hero Foundation's Board of Governors Syed Yawar Mehdi, AsimZafar, Ather Jawed Sufi and other members were also present at the moment. While affirming the details regarding the organisation Captain Tarana said that National hero Foundation is a not for profit national NGO which is striving at its best to revive the identity of the National heroes of Pakistan, to accelerate the passion of heroism within the country.
In order to attain its motive national Hero Foundation from last 4 years have been proudly commemorating the female heroes of our nation, by honouring them with the "WONDER WOMEN of the YEAR AWARDS". In this journey of recognising the exceptionally talented women of Pakistan, in last 3 years 56 extremely respected, talented and genius women who indeed are the women of Inspiration of their respective fields, have been bestowed by the honour of Wonder Women of the Year Awards, she added.
Rashid Aalam said that a book comprises of the success journey and services details of the last 3 years award recipients of Wonder Women Awards has been published by the title of "TUM HO PAKISTAN" and this year National Hero Foundation is having an idea of dramatise all the success stories of Wonder Women for giving it a shape of telefilms. He said that National Hero Foundation's one of the major motives is to establish a National Hero Park in Pakistan. The idea of National Hero Park is generated to archive the golden history of our National Heroes so it will be a source of inspiration and attraction for our generations and international community. This park will boost the identity and grace of our National Heroes.
He said that from this year National Hero Foundation will properly start its International Journey and in this connection the overseas chapter of National Hero Foundation will be inaugurated during a graceful and enormous ceremony in the Virginia state of USA on august 14th, 2015. After that a promotional campaign of National Hero Foundation will be carried on in USA, UK & Canada aiming to have a support from overseas Pakistanis to assure the establishment of National Hero Park in Pakistan, Rashid informed. Furthermore, he also mentioned that in the year 2015 National Hero Foundation will also launched an award ceremony titled as "National Hero Awards" for the encouragement and tribute to the overseas Pakistanis, and this activity will be organise on annual bases.-PR

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