Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday said the government of PML-N is focusing on its vision of development and prosperity, with provision of better facilities to the people across the country. The Prime Minister said this while talking to Ghulam Murtaza Jatoi, Federal Minister for Industries and Engr. Amir Muqam, Advisor to PM, who separately called on him here at the PM House.
The Prime Minister said a network of roads was being constructed to facilitate linkages between various parts of the country, which would bring the people closer to each other, besides promoting businesses and creating better employment opportunities. Deploring the tragic incident that took place in Lahore on Sunday and was followed by protests and riots, he said all provincial governments had been directed to take steps necessary for maintaining law and order.
He said minorities are an important segment of the country's multi-ethnic society that has immensely contributed towards its progress. He said the government wants the minorities to lead their lives in harmony and peace. The Prime Minister said energy shortage was being overcome with an effective strategy to add more power to the national grid as early as possible and to provide the people with maximum relief.
Both the leaders apprised the Prime Minister of matters relating to their areas. The party matters relating to Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa also came under discussion during the meetings. Ghulam Murtaza Jatoi also briefed the Prime Minister about the working of his Ministry and the steps being taken to promote the industrial sector in the country. Syed Shah Muhammad Shah, Senior Vice President PML-N Sindh was also present during this meeting. The Prime Minister in a meeting with Engr. Amir Muqam gave in-principle approval of connecting Battal, Ugi and Shangla with motorway.