The SECP may be adamant in requiring companies to post their financial statements on their websites but some firms just do not listen. One such firm is Gulistan Textile Mills Limited. Not only they have failed to update their FY14 financial statements on their website but even their FY13 statements are not available. So much for financial disclosures!
The auditors added that "due to pending litigations in the court mark-up interest has not been accrued and balance confirmation letters from financial institutions have not been received". The exact details behind these affairs are not easily available, since as we mentioned earlier, the firm's detailed annual accounts for the last two years are not available on its website, if it can be called as such.
As can be seen from the graph, the company' sales declined in FY12 and the bottom line stood at a loss of nearly Rs 10 billion. From there onwards, the firm's bottom line losses managed to recover; but only because its top line continued its almost-linear downward journey.
In FY14, sales plummeted by 41 percent year-on-year, leading to a gross loss of Rs 650 million - pretty bad but still Rs 100 million less than the prior year's loss. Other operating expenses skyrocketed from Rs 4 million in FY13 to Rs 224 million by the end of June 2014. But Gulistan's saviour came in the form of other income; other income grew by 852 percent to Rs 800 million and offset most of the damage, covering a bulk of the losses/expenses and providing a much-needed cushion to the bottom line. The company's bottom line improved by 84 percent to a loss of Rs 175 million - this sentence says a lot about Gulistan's FY13 and how making losses has become a norm for it.
Intuitively, one look at the numbers gives a feeling that Gulistan Textile Mills has literally stopped trying; selling & distributive expenses, other operating expenses, other income, and finance cost all but ceased to exist. The top line comparison with the prior year also shows the extent to which the company's operations have been muted.
All this gave a bottom line loss of Rs 175 million - an 84 percent improvement over the comparable period's humongous loss of Rs 1.1 billion. There seems to be no signs of turning a profit, so it seems the company has decided to minimise its losses.
In an increasingly competitive environment, Gulistan's costs were impacted by the extensive power outages in the country, not to mention inflationary pressures. Moreover, banks and financial institutions had unilaterally blocked the company's working capital, which meant that it didn't have enough capital at its disposal to operate at optimum capacity, resulting in inefficiency. The impact of this was seen on the company's sales turnover, export orders, and profitability. To top everything off, the company is currently in the midst of a lawsuit with United Bank Limited.
Pakistan is the fourth-largest producer of cotton in the world, and third in terms of yarn production. Through the new policy, the government seeks to ensure that small and medium enterprises be integrated into the textile sector to increase the production of value-added items.
The tariffs that protect the textile industry also create inefficiencies. So, the Ministry of Textile Industry wants tariffs to be cascaded in order to benefit from fibres other than cotton such as nylon, polyester, and silk. The implementation of these policies is paramount, if Pakistan is to compete with India and Turkey in the international market, where their lower-priced goods are dominating. Then again, for a firm with uncertainty over going concern has little room to benefit from what can be termed a generally positive industry outlook.
Gulistan Textile Mills Limited
Rs (mn) 2QFY15 2QFY14 1HFY15 1HFY14
Sales and processing receipts 81.5 521 165 1144
Cost of sales & processing 237 838 412 1485
Gross loss 155 316 247 351
Selling & distribution expenses 0.025 3.7 0.23 8.6
Admin & general expenses 8.6 25 18 50
Other operating expenses 3.6 43 3.8 79
Net other income 0.06 693 0.085 713
Operating loss 168 304 269 227
Finance cost 0.809 10 1.7 10.6
Share of loss/profit from associated companies 15
Loss after taxation 162 285 257 216
Source: Company notice to KSE