Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chief Imran Khan Tuesday assured a group of protesters from Karak, a district in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa that all their demands will be met. Earlier, leaders and activists from district Karak held a sit-in outside Imran Khan's residence at Bani Gala. The protesters said that they do not get access to basic necessities of life such as water, electricity and gas.
Addressing the protesters, Imran appreciated the people of Karak for fighting for their rights, saying it is their right to protest and the provincial government will make all-out efforts to fulfil their demands. "I have directed KP Chief Minister Pervez Khattak to hold a meeting with the representatives of the area [Karak] on March 21 and help them in resolving their issues," he added.
Imran Khan also said that he will ensure that justice must not be delayed as "justice delayed is justice denied," adding that the issues faced by the people should be resolved on priority basis and the provincial government will help them. Various civil society organisations, united under the umbrella of Khattak Ittehad come to Islamabad and staged a protest outside the residence of the PTI chairman, and they later peacefully dispersed after meeting with their leader.
"Our rights have been usurped," said KI President Mir Zaqim Khan, adding, "The provincial government has left us with no option but to stage protest demonstration outside Bani Gala and Imran is the leader who can help them out." "If Imran Khan accepts our demands and takes action against those who denying us our rights, we will place garland around the neck of Imran Khan. If he refuses, we will stage a sit-in for an indefinite period of time as we've no other option," he maintained. Mufti Rehman Taj, a PTI leader from Karak, also joined hands with the protesters and vowed to accompany the protesters unless their demands are met. KI leaders also held a meeting and finalised their plans for the protest.