Bears strengthened their position at the Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE) on Friday, where retail investors and small traders preferred to remain on the sidelines amid decrease in index. ISE Ten Index showed a decrease of 95.22 points as the ISE Ten Index moved from 3,525.98 to 3,430.76 points.
The overall turnover amounted to 5,700 shares as compared to previous volume of 700 shares.
Total 151 companies participated in buying and selling activity. Majority of stocks (118) closed in negative territory, 33 closed in positive territory, whereas no company remained pegged to its overnight levels.
The volume of Bank of Punjab was 4,000 shares. The volume of Arif Habib Corporation was 500 shares. The volume of Engro Fertilizer was 500 shares. The volume of Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim was 500 shares.