The Punjab Provincial Co-operative Bank (PPCBL) Ltd will start advancing agriculture loans for sowing and maturing Kharif crops from April 1, bank's spokesman Rana Irshad Ali said on Friday. The bank has set a target of Rs 2500 million to extend agriculture loans for six monthly Kharif crops including cotton, rice and sugarcane through co-operative societies in the province. The co-operative bank is issuing loans amounting to Rs 11.5 billion on its various products during FY 2014-15.
Meanwhile, PPCBL Sahiwal and Multan zones have recovered Rs 170 non-performing loans from July 1, 2014 to March 20, 2015. Rs 150.26 million have been received in cash whereas land property worth Rs, 19.91 has been transferred in the name of the bank.