Minister for Water and Power Khawaja Asif on Monday said that the decision regarding joining the Gulf-led operation in Yemen will be taken while keeping the interest of country and Muslim Ummah in mind. He was addressing a seminar with the theme "Water is life, conserve it" in connection with the World Water Day at the Wapda House Lahore.
The minister said that Pakistan is ready to extend full support if there is any threat to Saudi Arabia's territorial integrity.
"The process of evacuation Pakistani families from war-hit Yemen has commenced and the government is using all options for their safe exit," he added.
Regarding the importance of water, he said, in addition to enhancing water storage capacity in Pakistan, the culture of water conservation through its prudent use in all walks of life will have to be adopted to avoid water scarcity in the country.
The Federal Minister said that Pakistan has been blessed with abundant water resources; however, we do not care while using it, as extravagant use of our resources has become our habit.
The Minister further said that management recovery cost of our irrigation system stands at 20 percent only, while rest of the expenditures to run the system have to bear by the Government. The quantum of water, pumped through the tube-well that costs Rs3000, is provided to the farmers by the government for just eighty five rupees with the help of irrigation system.
Since there is no incentive, there is no saving of water and we will continue wasting it carelessly, he added. According to him, the water conservation is not the sole duty of the government, but it is a collective responsibility of the society. There is no dearth of water resources in the country. These are sufficient to meet not only the existing but also the future requirements if used judiciously, he added. Kh Asif said that as much as 30 million acre feet of water flows downstream of Kotri Barrage per annum on the average. He further said that the provinces have consumed 11 to 33 percent less water of their shares since 1993 as per record of the IRSA.
The Minister emphasized that there should be a national plan for use of water and its conservation including lining of canals.