Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Friday chaired meeting of the Provincial Apex Committee to review the detailed implementation of measures being taken under the National Action Plan to eradicate terrorism.
While addressing the meeting he said the steps are yielding positive results. He said that additional subjects based on the topics of tolerance, restraint and brotherhood are being introduced in the syllabi of schools, colleges, universities and seminaries.
"The whole nation is united against terrorism, extremism and sectarianism and the war against these menaces will be fought on all fronts," he added.
He also said all segments of society would have to play an active role to defeat terrorists and their facilitators on every front.
"It is the mission of every citizen to make Pakistan a safe and peaceful country. These ruthless elements will find no place in the country," he added.
Those also present were Corps Commander of Lahore Lieutenant-General Naveed Zaman, Provincial Home Minister Shuja Khanzada, chief secretary, Rangers Director General Major General Umer Farooq Burki, General Officer Commanding 10th Division Major General Amir Abbasi, IGP and the Home Secretary.