Letter from Quaid-e-Awam to Quaid-e-Azam & Excerpt from the reply

05 Apr, 2015

26th April -1945 "Respected Sir, you have united the entire nation under one banner. I feel that dream of Pakistan must be in the heart of every Muslim because Pakistan is our destiny, our goal. No power on earth can stop us from achieving Pakistan. We have our identity in the Sub-continent as a nation. We are proud of you because you have mobilized us. As a student I am unable to play any role in this regard but time will come when I will not flinch from sacrificing my life for Pakistan."
ZulfiqarAli Bhutto
1st May 1945
"It gives me immense pleasure to learn from your letter of 26th April that you are attending political gatherings. If you are interested in politics then I will advise you to first study it carefully. But never neglect your education. If you study the political challenges facing India I am sure that after completing you education you will successfully embark on life's journey"
Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah
President All India Muslim League

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