Using Google tends to keep a user stuck in one's own country, as far as web searches, news feeds and other information available go. But, sometimes, a person might want another nation's perspective, especially if information is blocked in one country, but not another.
For the longest time, it was possible to do this simply by clicking on "Go to" on Google's main page if one wanted to get away from the national version of the system, whether it be the German, Vietnamese or South Korean one.
However, that button disappeared some while ago. That does not mean the option is gone.
The first approach is, instead of using one's bookmarks or other links, to type into the address bar of one's website. One will still end up at the local version of one's Google, but the button to go to the main site reappears now.
Alternately, type "" in the address bar. The ncr stands for "no country redirect," which means one defaults to the US version of Google.