OMCs' sales inflate by 17 percent in 9MFY15

07 Apr, 2015

The sales of Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) accumulated to 13.5 million tons during 9MFY15. This depicts a growth of 3.15 percent year-on-year (YoY) when compared with 13.1 million tons the OMCs achieved during the corresponding period of last year. The sale of furnace oil, however, declined by four percent as the sale of motor gasoline (Mogas) rose by 19 percent and that of High Speed Diesel (HSD) 5 percent.
Meanwhile, the OMC off-takes during Mar'15 depicted a sizable growth of 17 percent to 1.5 million tons amid hefty increase of Mogas, up 28 percent YoY and down 15 percent MoM; HSD, up 30 percent YoY and one percent MoM; and FO sales, up nine percent YoY and 8 percent MoM, respectively.
Subsequently, the share of black and white oil edged closer, 46 and 53 percent, respectively due to nine percent YoY increase in FO sales on the back of higher demand from power sector.
Company-wise, Pakistan State Oil's market share expanded by one percent, MoM, to 66.4 percent while the share of HASCOL reflected a decline of 2 percent to 6.12 percent.
Similarly, the shares of SHELL and APL remained relatively constant on a monthly basis.

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