Government giving priority to women empowerment, healthcare: Mujtaba

11 Apr, 2015

The Punjab government is giving top priority to women empowerment and health care sectors. It has enhanced women job quota from five percent to 15 percent. Similarly, 50 pc quotas have been fixed for women under youth business loan scheme. The government is setting up day care centers for the children of working women throughout the province at a cost of Rs 200 million.
Talking to delegations of women party workers here on Friday Finance Minister, Mujtaba Shuja-ur-Rehman said women representation has been made compulsory in all government institutions, autonomous boards, development and research centers and 25 thousand women have got right of representation under the law. He said the government is using all available resources for providing better healthcare facilities to the people especially mother & child and the priority areas of the targets are rural folk. 20 percent birth deliveries are attended by skilled birth attendant and this ratio would be increased to 90 percent whereas, contraceptive prevalence rate is 36 pc that would be increased to 55 pc under MDG's Target. Rehman said the skilled birth attendants, LHVs and LHWs are being appointed at health centers because the MMR in LHWs covered area is 147/100,000 live births, compared 300 to 350/100,000 to uncovered areas.
He said the government considers the dignity of the prestigious medical profession and will redress all major problems being faced by the medical community including paramedics. The focus of the Government is upon Primary and Protective Health Care to achieve the millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
He said the Health Insurance Cards Scheme is being launched with a cost of Rs 4 billion. Such programmes would be launched in which vocational and practical training will be provided to women folk and opportunities of maximum employment would also be provided to them so that they could play their proactive role in socio-economic uplift of the country as well as their status, he added.

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