Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan telephoned Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad on Thursday and shared details regarding the Imran Farooq murder case with him. Sources at the Governor House said the two spoke about law and order situation in the province. Nisar also discussed his meeting with the British High Commissioner Philip Barton earlier this week, and matters pertaining to the money laundering investigation against Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief Altaf Hussain also came under discussion.
A prime suspect in the Imran Farooq murder case, Moazzam Ali, was arrested earlier this week and presented in an Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC), which remanded him for 90-day on Tuesday. Ali is responsible for arranging visas, tickets and stay in Britain of two suspected killers of Dr Farooq. Ibad said the murderers of Dr Farooq should be brought to justice.