The Karachi Port handled 151,147 tonnes of cargo comprising 125,129 tonnes of import cargo and 26,018 tonnes of export cargo including 3,722 loaded and empty containers during the last 24 hours ending at 0700 hours on Tuesday. The total import cargo of 125,129 tonnes comprised of 21,530 tonnes of containerised cargo; 7,442 tonnes of rock phosphate and 96,177 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo. The total export cargo of 26,018 tonnes comprised of 25,362 tonnes of containerised cargo and 656 tonnes of general cargo.
As many as 3,722 containers comprising of 1,652 containers import and 2,070 containers export were handled during the last 24 hours on Tuesday.
The break-up of imported containers shows 482 of 20's and 492 of 40's loaded while 62 of 20's and 62 of 40's empty containers, whereas that of exported containers shows 695 of 20's and 318 of 40's loaded containers while 75 of 20's and 332 of 40's empty containers were handled during the business hours. There were four ships namely Commodore, HS Marco Polo, Northern Power and Kota Kamil carrying containers respectively sailed out to sea during the reported period. There were three vessels viz. X-Press Kailash, Corvette and VSC Triton carrying containers and coal respectively currently at the berths.
There were two ships namely X-Press Kailash and Nave Atropos carrying containers and oil tanker respectively sailed out to sea on Tuesday, while three ships namely Corvette, Europride and VSC Triton carrying containers, oil tanker and coal respectively are expected to sail on Wednesday. There were two vessels viz. OOCL China and Amoenitas carrying containers and project cargo respectively due to arrive on Tuesday, while three vessels viz. PAC Aries, Hyundai Jakarta and Mandarin Phoenix carrying containers and coal respectively are due to arrive on Wednesday.