Sindh High Court on Monday rejected Shoaib Sheikh's application for security bail in Karachi. The main character of Axact scandal, Shoaib Sheikh, presented himself before the court. His lawyers took permission of submitting an application for a security bail from Justice Ahmed Ali Sheikh and after the due process, submitted it in registrar office of Sindh High Court. Sindh High Court rejected the application.
The court stated that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Axact should not be harassed, if Shoaib is guilty then he will get treated according to the law. Director FIA Shahid Hayat said that they are examining the proofs and clues they recovered from Axact's office. He said that they have not sent any report to the interior ministry about it and a report is being prepared right now. He said that investigation is under way and soon they will be able to reach a conclusion.