NASA captures magnificent gigantic galaxy twice as big as ours

We all know that our universe is filled with infinite galaxies, while many of them are still undiscovered. However,
01 Aug, 2018

We all know that our universe is filled with infinite galaxies, while many of them are still undiscovered. However, a new beautiful picture by NASA’s probe shows a gigantic galaxy just like ours.

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope sent a phenomenal image of a giant spiral galaxy named NGC 6744, which greatly resembles our galaxy, the Milky Way.

According to Daily Mail, the galaxy measures over 200,000 light years across as compared to a 100,000 light-year diameter for our home galaxy. The galaxy is twice as wide as our own and NASA claims that it is still a very active place.

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The picture shows the galaxy in an unprecedented detail. Similar to the Milky Way, NGC 6744 has a prominent central region packed with old yellow stars. Away from the gigantic core, parts of the dusty spiral arms decorated in shades of pink and blue can be seen, wrote NASA.

Where the blue sites are full of young star clusters, the pink ones are areas of active star formation, representing that the galaxy is still very lively. The galaxy has long, curved spiral arms made up of infinite stars, planets, and loose gasses and dust.

Recently, NASA’s space probe also sent mesmerizing pictures of our fellow planets, Mars and Saturn.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2018

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