Dr. Askari lauds finance ministry for maintaining discipline

02 Aug, 2018

Rizvi called on the chief minister at his office here Thursday During the meeting, the chief minister appreciated different austerity measures taken by the Finance Department for saving of resources.

Dr Askari said that timely and purposeful utilization of resources helped to solve the problems of people, adding that financial discipline was imperative for every government.

"That is why, the caretaker government has overcome the wastage of resources and effective guidelines have been issued with regard to funds' utilization by the Finance Department," he said.

Correct utilization of resources provided necessary relief to people and sufficient space was created for proper utilization of funds for development of social sector, he added.

The chief minister said the ban on unnecessary expenditures by the caretaker government would result in producing positive impacts and more resources would be available for improving healthcare, education and other social sectors.

He said that resources should be further enhanced for provision of different facilities to the masses and added that this would help in fulfilling the expectations of the people towards their government.

It was the fundamental responsibility of every government to devise an effective mechanism for solving the day-to-day problems of the people and required resources should also be allocated in this regard.

There was need to work in a professional manner with innovative ideas to meet the emerging challenges, he added.

Dr Askari said that promotion of norms of simplicity and austerity at the government level would help overcome the unnecessary expenditures and thus enhanced resources could be used for providing basic needs to the people.

The governments should work in a proactive manner to achieve this goal, he said.

Utilization of resources for solving the problems of the people paves the way for prosperity in the country, he said.

Decrease in non-development expenditures was in the interest of the people and caretaker government had set an example for the upcoming government by decreasing such expenditures, concluded the chief minister.

Zia Haider Rizvi apprised the chief minister about the performance of law and finance departments and said that unnecessary expenditures of different departments had been decreased by following strict financial discipline.

Similarly, a saving of around four crore rupees had been made in the monthly expenditures of the chief minister's office, he said.

Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2018




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