The police on Saturday submitted a charge sheet against Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief Altaf Hussain in an anti-terrorism court, accusing him of intimidating officials of Rangers' officials who had raided his party's headquarters Nine Zero. An FIR to this effect was lodged by Rangers' Colonel Tahir Mehmood at Civil Lines police station under Section 506-B (criminal intimidation) of the Pakistan Penal Code read with Section 7 of Anti-terrorism Act, 1997.
According to the charge sheet, MQM chief's words "Jin afsaran ne mere ghar par chapa mara woh Rangers ke afsaran thei, woh thei, woh ab thei hogaye," have been taken as threat. Nine persons, including a TV show host, his team member and others have been named as witnesses in the charge sheet. Admitting the charge sheet, ATC-III judge Saleem Raza Baloch ordered for issuing non-bailable warrants against the absconding suspect.