On Thursday, BRIndex30 remained positive throughout the trading time with an overall neutral trend. It closed at 21,167.94 points with net change of 335 points. Total turnover was 107,490,200 shares. Notable companies with regards to turnover were Jahangir Siddiqui & Co, K-Electric, Bank of Punjab and Sui Southern Gas. BRIndex30 touched a high of 21,243.07 points and low of 20,876.00 points during trading time.
Among BR Sector Indices, BR Commercial Banks Index was the leading index by volume with a total turnover of 35,672,200 shares. Most traded company in this sector was Bank of Punjab with turnover of 11,631,000 shares. Index itself remained positive with a neutral trend closing at 7,188.73 points with net change of 41.28 points.
Second highest BR Sector Index by volume was BR Oil and Gas Index with a turnover of 29,595,550 shares. Sui Southern Gas was the most traded company in the sector with turnover of 11,210,000 shares. Index itself remained positive with a neutral trend. It closed at 2,891.62 points with net change of 68.52 points. Third highest BR Sector Index by volume was BR Cement Index with a total turnover of 29,166,000 shares. Dewan Cement was the most traded company in this sector with turnover of 11,966,000 shares. This index also remained positive with a neutral trend and closed at 5,184.29 points with net change of 108.13 points.