Equities on Thursday kept rising on the Lahore Stock Exchange and won some gains amid marginally improved trading. The LSE-25 index gained 25.41 points to close at 5816.62 against 5791.21 of Wednesday while transaction volume increased to 1.559 million shares compared with the volume of 1.091 million shares a day earlier.
The market resumed trading on a mixed note and remained range-bound almost throughout the day. However, before close of trading, the market witnessed buyers' interest in Engro Corporation, Glaxo Smith Kline, Hascol Petroleum, Pakistan Refinery, Adamjee Insurance, Al-Shaheer Corporation, Treet Corporation, Pace3 Pakistan, Bank of Punjab, and Dewan Cement helped market closing on healthy sign.
The Fatima Fertiliser, PIA, Dewan Farooq Motors, Sui Southern, Ghani Automobile, Summit Bank, WorldCall Telecom and Lotte Chemical Pakistan were succumbed of profit-taking. Of 101 firms, 30 posted gains; nine suffered losses while 62 stayed glued to their previous closing. The Engro Corporation gained Rs 11.12, Glaxo Smith Kline improved Rs 10.82 while Hascol Petroleum and Adamjee Insurance were up by Rs 6.52 and Rs 2.06, respectively. The Fatima Fertiliser lost Re 1, while PIA and Dewan Farooq Motors were down by 30-pasia and 28-paisa, respectively. The Bank of Punjab with trading of 627,500 shares topped the volume leaders followed by Pace Pakistan with 272,500 shares.