'JamaPunji' SECP launches survey to evaluate portal benefits

05 Sep, 2015

In order to evaluate the services and features of its investor education web portal 'JamaPunji, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) is conducting an online survey. The survey will help find out the views of the public on JamaPunji. Further, the feedback from the survey will help improve the quality and services of the portal so that the objective of developing a digital learning platform for investor awareness can be achieved.
The SECP's web portal JamaPunji was launched on June 9. It was envisioned to play a key role in the SECP's overall investor education program. A very good response from the public has been seen. A large number of people are acknowledging the SECP's effort by signing up as registered users.
The portal's exclusive features include risk profiler, scam meter, investment check lists, quizzes, games, calculator, stock trading simulator and information about various financial products. The portal is also educating about dispute resolution mechanism and complaint filling process. In addition, it is providing the public the facility to verify whether a particular company was registered with the SECP or not. The said online survey is available at www.jamapunji.pk/survey/6.-PR

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