The Karachi Port handled 295,355 tonnes of cargo comprising 225,922 tonnes of import cargo and 69,433 tonnes of export cargo including 7,538 loaded and empty containers during the last 48 hours ending at 0700 hours on Monday. The total import cargo of 225,922 tonnes comprised of 103,361 tonnes of containerised cargo; 20,617 tonnes of general cargo; 35,044 tonnes of bulk cargo: 14,349 tonnes of coal; 13,927 tonnes of DAP; 6,768 tonnes of SB meal and 66,900 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo.
The total export cargo of 69,433 tonnes comprised of 31,434 tonnes of containerised cargo; 185 tonnes of general cargo and 37,814 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo. As many as 7,538 containers comprising of 4,485 containers import and 3,053 containers export were handled during the last 24 hours on Monday.
The break-up of imported containers shows 1,679 of 20's and 1,178 of 40's loaded while 76 of 20's and 187 of 40's empty containers, whereas that of exported containers shows 618 of 20's and 359 of 40's loaded containers while 647 of 20's and 535 of 40's empty containers were handled during the business hours. There were ten ships namely Wan Hai-503, SSL Chennai, Shalamar, Martin Island, Otzias, Hoegh Yokohama, Agata M, Dato Success, Chang Hang Bin and Gaia Triumph carrying containers, oil tanker, fertiliser, coal, vehicles and general cargo respectively sailed out to sea during the reported period.
There were twelve vessels viz. YM Enlightenment, X-Press Euphrates, Kota Kaya, MT Quetta, Green Hellas, Mariner, Hoegh Yokohama, Gaia Triumph, Sunrise Eco, Peace Angle, Kong Que Song and Chang Hang Bin carrying containers, oil tankers, fertiliser, vehicles and general cargo respectively currently at the berths.
There were nine ships namely APL Agate, YM Enlightenment, X-Press Euphrates, Kota Kaya, Sea Crystal, MT Quetta, Navios Hios, Grand Phoenix and Sunrise Eco carrying containers, oil tankers, meal, vehicles and general cargo respectively sailed out to sea on Monday, while another ship namely Sima Prestige carrying containers is expected to sail on Tuesday. There were four vessels viz. Posen, Berthea, Red Azalea and Jin Hong carrying containers, oil tankers and steel respectively due to arrive on Monday, while four vessels viz. HS Marco Polo, Stolt Sea, Royal Aqua and CK Glory carrying containers, chemical and general cargo respectively are due to arrive on Tuesday.