Diabetes affects more than 382 million people world-wide and, according to International Diabetes Federation, every six seconds one person dies of diabetes. The statistics also showed that only in the last two years, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes has increased by 4.4 per cent and by 2035, the this number is expected to increase by 55pc, says a study.
The main factors behind diabetes are unhealthy lifestyle choices, including poor eating habits, stress and obesity. While research has shown that eating organic and raw foods can reverse diabetes in 60 to 90 days, the expensive medication for treating diabetes has cost the global health care more than $548 billion.
In fact, the rate of diabetes has increased a lot faster than the world population and many young adults and children are affected by this epidemic. In United States alone, 25.8m children and adults have diabetes, while 79m Americans are pre-diabetic. The study further states:" The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has gathered a great wealth under its current charity role by receiving big donations from giant pharmaceutical, biotech and chemical companies, including PepsiCo, Merck, Monsanto and the sugar lobby."
It further says that though the ADA claims that its role is to fight against diabetes and improve the lives of those who are affected by this health epidemic, the reality cannot be any further from the truth, since the role of ADA and American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) has been mostly to push for meals low in fat and high in carbohydrates. Both the American diabetes and diabetic association have distributed seriously flawed information about 'healthy living' by pushing for more consumption of high carbohydrate meals, soybeans, corn and canola (that are mostly genetically modified).
In fact, ADA has been successful to promote the word 'fat' as 'unhealthy', while the word 'low-fat' or 'non-fat' are now considered 'healthy'. However, the reality again cannot be any further form the truth since our bodies need good 'fat' (from healthy organic food sources like avocado, wild salmon, seeds, nuts and olive oil) to get rid of bad 'fat' or saturated fat (from animal products like meat or diary).
Since 'low-fat' or `non-fat' products or diets are now considered 'healthy', the junk food industry benefits the most from selling non-fat or law-fat products like diet sodas that contain toxic artificial sweeteners and additives, including aspartame or NutraSweet. The nutritional guide provided by ADA considers whole or raw milk 'dangerous' and 'unhealthy', while it encourages people to eat GMO canola, corn or soy.
American Dietetic Association has also parented with giant pharmaceutical companies, including Merck, biotech companies and Monsanto to ban and impose restricted laws on effective dietary supplements, including colloidal silver (natural antibiotics) or colloidal platinum (used for cancer treatment), while it heavily promotes chemotherapy drugs and medications that will benefit giant pharmaceutical and chemical companies.
Toxic 'Aspartame' or NutraSweet products (that exist in snacks, chocolate bars, dairy, soups or sodas) are considered 'safe' and the idea that removing fat from a product makes that product 'healthy' has been successfully sold to the American public by these organisations, the study claims.