The campaign against adulterators and profiteers in Karachi is being made all the more stringent and transparent, said Commissioner of Karachi, Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui. Addressing activists working for the cause of protecting consumers' rights, he said administrative measures needed to be necessarily complemented with explicit public support.
"Public in general must also stand against profiteers and adulterators so as to make the government efforts successful as well as meaningful," said the Commissioner of Karachi. He said the administration in its efforts to protect the consumers' health and safety has destroyed several tanks containing acid as these were found to be used for garlic peeling and to superficially raise weight and apparent status of otherwise stale ginger.
Reiterating that the campaign would be continued in true spirit and adulteration of all sorts would be eliminated for good, he said profiteering is also being discouraged.
Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui said that in compliance with the directives of Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah relief is being provided to the citizens in terms of prices on all essential food items.
He said attention is also being paid towards quality and quantity of all food items, both raw and that are available in cooked form.