"An accused has claimed that Rana Sahib heading the Punjab Home Ministry directed him to kill a PML-N leader."
"I guess that is a family matter."
"Excuse me, but the victim was not a member of Rana sahib's family."
"That's not what I meant by family - family can be extended you know, there is the work family, then there is a political party family and..."
"Oh I see, so it's OK if a family member kills another by your book!"
"I have yet to write a single word for my book..."
"Don't be facetious this is serious."
"Right, but what I meant was that only within a family does one have a visible motive to kill, I mean if you don't know someone out there and you decide to kill that person then you are either a psychopath or a sociopath and let me assure you that our politicians are neither."
"What's the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath?"
"Well, a sociopath tends to be nervous, easily agitated, and is unable to hold a job for long..."
"Rana sahib has held his job since the Sharif's won Punjab."
"Don't be facetious anyway a psychopath is unable to form emotional attachments or feel empathy with others, although they often have disarming or even charming personalities."
"Disarming and charming are not words that come to mind when talking of our politicians but anyway our politicians are fiercely loyal to their party leaders so they do form emotional attachments and..."
"Right, but only when the party leader is in power, once he isn't then there is an exodus if you will..."
"Right, but then these lotas form an equally strong bond with the new party leader so no psychopaths amongst our politicians."
"But this is the second time Rana sahib has been implicated in murder, remember the Model Town tragedy..."
"Hey, a committee set up at the time exonerated him so I advise you to set another committee..."
"I thought one committee did not exonerate him."
"I ask you: if your party is in power then surely you can keep setting up probe committees till you get a verdict of your choice!"
"I give up, you are being too facetious."